Neist Point Lighthouse at Sunset
David Alan Stevenson designed and built twenty-six lighthouses including the Neist Point Lighthouse which opened on November the 1st 1909 as the most western point of the Isle of Skye. Only four months earlier, on the 12th July 1909, the Norwegian steamer, the Doris, struck Neist Point in heavy fog and sank immediately. Had the Neist Point Lighthouses fog horn and lights been active the Doris might have avoided disaster. Our trip from Portree to Neist Point began in heavy fog and after two hours of slow driving we were both lost and at the point of giving up. Suddenly, the fog and heavy low cloud dissipated and within half an hour we were beginning the long hike down to the Lighthouse. Dickon Pownall-Gray was able to capture the Neist Point Lighthouse with the sun setting in the West after climbing down to the very edge of
a steep cliff and by leaning out. Picture taken with a Canon R5 mounted with an EF 28 to 300mm lens at f/11 at 1/125th of a second, hand held with arm fully stretched out.
a steep cliff and by leaning out. Picture taken with a Canon R5 mounted with an EF 28 to 300mm lens at f/11 at 1/125th of a second, hand held with arm fully stretched out.